
Directions to the Illinois Railway Museum

Looking for directions to the museum? This page will give some basic directions from Chicago, from Milwaukee and Southeastern Wisconsin, and from Rockford and Southwestern Wisconsin. For those that use software mapping applications, our street address is 7000 Olson Road, Union, Illinois, 60180.

IRM is now accessible by public transit! Take MCRide, the county Dial-A-Ride service, to IRM from any location in the MCRide Service Area - including the Woodstock or Crystal Lake Metra stations. MCRide trips must be reserved in advance. Call 1-800-451-4599 to make an MCRide reservation. For more information click here or call 815-334-4960. MCRide operates seven days a week, except on major holidays.

From Chicago Take the Illinois Jane Addams Tollway (Interstate 90) to U.S. Route 20, Marengo exit. Drive Northwesterly on Route 20, about 4-1/2 miles to Union Road. Take Union Road north and turn Right where it ends at West Union Road. Take this road through town to its end and turn Right onto Olson Road.

From Milwaukee and Eastern Wisconsin Take Interstate 43 west to U.S. Route 14. Take U.S. Route 14 south to Illinois Route 23. Continue south on Illinois Route 23 to Illinois Route 176 to Union Road and follow the signs. Or take any road south to Illinois Route 176, Route 176 west beyond Illinois Route 47 for 5-1/2 miles to Union Road. Go South on Union Road, cross the tracks, and turn Left onto Jefferson Street. Take this road through town to its end and turn Right onto Olson Road.

From Rockford and Western Wisconsin Take U.S. Route 20 (or Interstate 90 and exit at Route 20 at Cherry Valley-Belvidere) through Marengo. About 1 mile east of Marengo, turn left on Union Road. Take Union Road through Union to Olson Road and turn Right.

Copyright © 1995-2025, Illinois Railway Museum. All rights reserved.